The Parasol Protectorate Series, Gail Carriger

Hiyo everyone! I’ve been offline the last few days as it would appear that sick children require parental attention. I know! I was as shocked as you are! Fret not, dear book lovers, I still had time to read. In fact, I finished, this very evening, a fantastical series involving werewolves (quite fury), vampires (the non twinkle variety) and handy dandy parasols with a touch of steampunk! BRILLIANT!!!

The Parasol Protectorate Series by Gail Carriger is a 5 book series that absolutely appealed to me. As most things steampunk (for definition go here, it is set in British Victorian Era in, you guessed it, London. Her take on the supernatural is unique and intriguing, which is very difficult to do these days. I find that most authors try very hard, and fail miserably at trying to reinvent the werewolf and vampire (Twilight anyone?), when simplicity will do.

The main character, Alexia, has no soul. Don’t worry, though, because if you were to ask her, I’m sure should would tell you that it isn’t a terrible affliction to have, and even having a soul very much complicate her life. The events in the 5 books revolve around her lack of soul, which is where the cool supernatural stuff come in. Sorry, I’m being vague, I know. It’s difficult to explain how AWESOMELY FANTASTIC this series is. I love Alexia, she’s smart, sarcastic, quick witted and nothing seems to ruffle her bonnet: The kind of woman I strive to be. Her love interest is much the same, which I believe is the reason why is it such a great relationship (much like the old couple from “Up”.

Gail’s writing style is great. She’s very descriptive without being annoying. The dialog is funny and entertaining. The characters are well developed but not over exposed as to not leaving any room for growth. And I love that you read from different characters’ perspective, giving you a “behind the scenes” feel.

The only negative thing that I have to say is that there is somewhat of a loose end at the end of the series. It’s not much really, and I’m sure other readers don’t care, but Alexia’s sister’s part of the story seems unfinished. Maybe there is another follow up series in the works? Who knows.


I give this book 4 top hats out of 5

Let me know what you think, I’m dying to hear from you.


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