Tag Archives: vampire hunters

Series Review: Black Dagger Brotherhood, J. R. Ward

I love stumbling onto a book series when they are a few books in. I discovered this one while looking up the author. I’ve read some of her other books before and liked her so much that I wanted more. Happily, I found this series when they were 8 books in–there are 10 with #11 coming in march–and was absolutely giddy. I read the first 8 this past summer while I was vacationing in Canada (I’m a fast reader, and no I don’t skip pages or lines) and the rest when I returned to Texas in August. These books fall into the erotica (porn) category, much like Fifty Shades series, but this book would make Christian Gray blush. I should note that I also read this whilst the hubs was deployed (note to self, stop reading porn when the hubs is away)… (revised note:read more porn when the husband is away) and therefore my opinion might not be entirely objective. With that being said, I effin love this series and am anxiously awaiting the 11th installment.

Like I mentioned above, it’s an erotica but it’s a bit more raw than Fifty Shades series. There’s no dainty bitchiness, and my favorite part, you also get to read from the man’s perspective. Each of the book revolves around a different character which makes for a dynamic storyline, although all characters make a constant appearance in each book. I did notice, though, that the further into the series I got, the more the storyline expanded, which is a good thing. Seriously, who can spend day and night banging their brains out???? Not me, there’s laundry that ain’t going to wash itself.

The series revolves around a brotherhood of vampire warriors that have been raised and groomed to protect the vampire species from an evil species of immortals that were created for the sole purpose of killing all vampires. Let me make this clear: vampires=good, vampire hunters=bad. I know, I know, vampire stories have been done to death, but trust me, no one twinkles in this one, and there are no half naked teenaged werewolves running around either. No, this author had an absolute stroke of genius when she created her vampires: The species can only survive and thrive by feeding from the blood of the opposite sex, therefore removing humans from the food chain. Brilliant!!! I won’t give more away because I don’t want to spoil the stories, so please read them.

If you have read these, I would love to hear from you, leave a comment, but please NO SPOILERS.



Filed under Book Review